Stop Your Weeping !!!
Throw the onions into a freezer for 10 minutes or peel them under water - then cut them up.
Choosing The Right Chilli.
When deciding how "hot" you like it, work on the simple basis that the smaller it is, the hotter it will be. (The chilli that is !!!)
Simple Sushi.
Wash the rice and leave it to soak in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking. This moistens the cooked rice, helping it to stick to the fish.
Ripening Unripe Fruit & Veges.
Store a ripe banana with them, as the gasses given off by the banana speed up the ripening process.
Footnote: Maybe we should be taking "bananas" on our Poetry In Motion Tours (hehe)
Thickening Up A Thin - Sauce !!!
Mix together equal quantities of softened butter and flour in a mixing bowl, until it becomes creamy. Whisk this in small amounts into your "thin sauce", until it's thick.
Preparing Mushrooms
Never wash mushrooms in water, as their sponge-like flesh soaks up moisture, which will destory the texture.Wipe them all over instead with a paper towel.